Feature Extension using Node.js, Express.js, and ReactJS

Nigerian Fashion app

screenshot of Nigerian style app that also shows the MYSQL tables

A non tech summary

A Nigerian fashion app that retrieves Nigerian styles from Pinterest.

Watch the demo video below

Technical Overview

I added a backend/frontend feature to legacy code inherited from another software engineer who developed a fasion web application using ReactJS. I added a button to the ReactJS app. When a user clicks this button, this stores data about the dresses on the backend using. I created these routes using Express.js, Node.js, and MySQL.

Technical: Backend

I utilized Node.js, Express.js, and MySQL in order to store data about the user's favorite dresses into a MySQL table. I had no idea so much technical work went into online shopping and I plan to use what I learned to create an ecommerce app for a friend!

Technical: Frontend

I created a favorite button using ReactJS that would then communicate with the backend to store data about the user's favorite dress(es).


I need to take a moment to brag about this. So the software engineer who started this project used an Pinterest API to retrieve pictures of the styles from Pinterist that she wanted to showcase in the app. The issue was that Pinterest only allowed access to the API 10 times per day for free. Since I needed more than 10 times to check if the features I added were working, this situation was not ideal. We did not have the budget for frequent access to the data reaching the data, so I had the idea to create a fake API by storing an array of objects with "dummy data" about pictures such at the image source or url, the size of the picture, and picture ID. This fake API worked work quite similarly to the real API. I used this fake API to test the favorite button and the backend routes, but commented the fake API out when I was ready for the real API which I uncommented the route for when finished testing the new features.